Decade for Change, Part One

The Decade for Change, Part One

It’s that time again! The beginning of a new year. It’s time for fresh starts, second chances, goal setting, and so many more things. Over the last few years I’ve seen a standard new year’s resolution change from the standard weight loss to the word of the year. It has morphed from joining a gym to creating vision boards. And I’m a huge fan of all of those things. Do NOT get me wrong here. I love everything about new changes, renewed vows, weight loss, healthy lifestyles, and revitalized self-aspirations, but I have never been one to successfully follow through with them. I’ve written down goals, motivational messages in dry erase markers have covered all the glass in my house, and still I have failed. As I sit here and evaluate why that is true for not only me, but so many others, I am left wondering about the why. And I think we may have the answer in that why.

If you have ever dabbled in MLM marketing, one of the first things you are encouraged to develop is your why. Your why tells your story. It is inspiring, motivational, engaging, and relatable. It is supposed to be the driver of your all. Everything you do, every choice you make, revolves around your why. When I think about my why, my heart always goes back to my family. My why always starts with my children, my husband, and my home being the center of my universe, and all the hurdles that this supernatural MLM job is supposed to help overcome. Well, here I am, a failed MLM boss babe. Me and about 95% of all those who have also tried and lost money. I am not against MLM, and I think it is a super fun way to create an outlet of self expression and get the goodies you love at discounted pricing. But having come to another year of new, I find myself back at my WHY, and I think I might just have what it takes to get me there.

So, along with wishing you a happy new year, I want to encourage you to sit down alone, or with your family or a partner, and evaluate your why. Forget, for a moment, about the resolution, and think about why you would even want to have a resolution. What is driving you? What is at your center of each and every choice you make in life? What is the one thing that makes you want to change everything and anything at the drop of a hat?

Just like with my MLM why, my resolution why remains steady. My why is and always will be my family. I want to be here for them in every way I can – physically, emotionally, and financially. And that is why my word is control, my vision board shines pure, uncluttered, and financially stress free, and my goal is to be out of debt and completely non-reliant on my income by December of this year. I have smaller goals along the way. Of course I dream of Disney World like the best of them. But all of those will come naturally if I just achieve my why. MLM wasn’t the answer for me. It may not be the answer for you either. Or maybe it will be! But financial control can be. Join me on this ride. Discover your why, and let’s explore this crazy fun, but successful new decade together.

Happy budgeting!

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